Energy Communities – technological and social evolution

9 Marzo 2022

Behind the concise statements made by our AU Antonio Sacchetti , reported in the article on l’Edicola del SUD , lie enormous implications. We have learned, from the lot of news about the PNRR (with the funds of the NGEU – Next Generation Europe), that the digital transition (alias digitization) is the first “mission”, the ecological transition (i.e. green revolution) is the second and, together, already absorb more than half of the funds allocated to Italy (thus over 100 billion euros, including loans and grants); moreover, part of the third mission (Sustainable Mobility) concerns however “energy” aspects (such as e-mobility, for example).

We also know that this structuring of funds is substantially based on what has been established by the EU in the “European Green Deal” (EUGreenDeal) and in the Clean Energy Package, in turn both linked in unison to the 2030 Agenda of the Paris Agreement (adoption of United Nations General Assembly resolution A/RES/70/1, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”). The many acronyms and technicalities let these programs appear fundamentally “technological”, but this is not the case, or not at all. Social implications in the broadest sense are enormous (this is evidenced by the fact that the mission 4 of the National Reform Programme is called “Cohesion and Inclusion”). Well, the essence of the presence of TERA in the Local Energy Community referred to in the press article is just that: energy communities are made not only of technology (this would be enough for Tera, since it produces Iot Edge COmputing solutions for applications in VPP – UVAM and Energy Communities, where Smart Metering, Photovoltaic and BESS (storage systems) in unison with the Smart Building converge in the so-called Digital Energy), but of behavioral and economic-social changes.

For this reason we emphasize the concepts that affect the habits of life of people and businesses: it is about sharing the energy produced cleanly in small plants in buildings, which requires, before technologies, a mental approach devoted to sharing, to the management of common goods and values. So, we start with information, we meet, we establish the rules, we constitute with a minimum of formalism the energy community (possibly with the support of ESCOs, Energy Players – operators “on the bill” – , Consultants) and only then we proceed with the technologies (involving suppliers and electrical designers). We hope that Italians know how to seize these opportunities for socio-economic progress before technological ones!

The complete news is on the newspaper l ‘Edicola del Sud at this link:à-energetiche.pdf

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