PMI DAY 2021 of the small industry of Confindustria

19 Novembre 2021

Bari, November 19, 2021- The national PMI DAY of the Piccola Industria di Confindustria, which presents hundred of small and medium-sized companies in the country to thousands of high school students, was also held today in Bari.

In Bari, about sixty boys and girls from the Marco Polo Institute and the Marconi-Hack Institute of Bari visited the Adriatica Tecno Logistica of Modugno and found that even a large energy-intensive logistics platform such as this can become green: thanks to a massive photovoltaic system, this company, despite being highly energy-intensive because of its large cold rooms, has drastically reduced energy costs and its environmental impact, saving in 8 years almost 1 million euros and 4,777,315 kg of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

During the visit to the students were presented the new frontiers of clean energy production that is evolving thanks to digital. The Bari-based SME Tera srl, in fact, showed them how digital technology, applied to a photovoltaic system, can allow anyone, citizens and businesses not only to produce clean energy, but also to use it only when needed and exchange it, or sell it, when it is in excess. They can be born in this way, the local energy communities that produce and exchange energy within them.

At the Bari PMI DAY 2021, organized in collaboration with Federmeccanica, speakers included Francesco Berardi, National President of Piccola Industria Confindustria Bari BAT, Natale Mariella President of Adriatica Tecno Logistica, Teresa Caradonna President of Piccola Industria Confindustria Puglia, Lorenzo Pagliuca Vice President of Piccola Industria Confindustria, Antonio Sacchetti CEO of Tera srl.

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