The “Smart Health Platform” project ranks 3 and is awarded by PROMIS as an agile model of open innovation in the healthcare sector

19 Ottobre 2020


The “Smart Health Platform” project ranks 3 and is awarded by PROMIS as an agile model of open innovation in the healthcare sector

Thanks to the synergistic work of local companies and istitutions, Puglia region achieves an important result in the field of technological innovation applied in the health sector. In the national competition dedicated to ” open innovation agile tools for the digital transformation of processes and products in the health field “, the” Smart Health Platform “project presented by AReSS Puglia and a team of technological partners, that is Openwork, Sincon, Tera, I-Tel and the Foundation “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” IRCCS, ranked third, confirming the validity of a brilliant intuition and the effectiveness of a synergistic work with Apulian companies with many and different technological skills .

The “Smart Health Platform” was launched in early 2020 on an experimental basis at the IRCCS “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” in San Giovanni Rotondo, where some young people suffering from multiple sclerosis have been followed at home. This system allowed to model a therapeutic assistance diagnostic plan (TADP) in digital and personalized format on the health conditions of the patient taken in charge by the health facility

The immediate detection and exchange of data about patients conditions and environmental parameters, the so-called contextual awareness, is achieved thanks to a series of sensors placed to detect the parameters of interest sent to the doctor and shared by Tera multiprotocol IoT edge computers installed in the patients house. This allows detailed tracking of parameters and continuous monitoring of patients over time, functional to telemedicine in order to be able to intervene effectively and promptly on therapies.

Contextual awareness is just one of the successful applications of edge computing in the e-health field, whose decentralized computing architectural model is establishing itself in all application areas, opening up numerous opportunities.

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