Smart Building and Smart Asset post Covid19

16 Dicembre 2020

The consequences that Covid19 is inevitably producing within the spaces in which we live and work, that are coinciding even more, have highlighted the need for a greater organisation of spaces, not only in terms of sanitation but, more generally, in terms of further services that presuppose not only connectivity, but interconnection (services that dialogue with each other). The concept of IoT, which incorporates several devices that communicate with each other with different protocols and with several applications in a variety of use cases, is therefore becoming increasingly important. In order to obtain a model that allows improvements involving different aspects, such as operational, security and user experience, it is therefore useful to use an open, interoperable IoT approach, i.e. able to communicate “in different languages” with multiple devices and software (both applications and frameworks, development environments), to facilitate the user’s life and allow him to enable any type of application in a single solution.

New opportunities for Facility Management

In the field of plant management and maintenance, the open approach of edge computers makes it possible to build infrastructures where systems and devices work collaboratively to offer and exploit new relationships in terms of building usage, service consumption (water, energy, etc.), environmental, air quality and Covid19 control and information coming from a wide range of hardware devices that can be simply implemented in building edge applications. Meter measurement, continuous monitoring of an asset that alerts in real-time in case of anomalies, predictive maintenance and all those forms of prevention for example, can save people’s lives and make the living or working space a safer and more comfortable place.

The technological innovation in the Building sector we are seeing, includes the interconnection and sharing of huge amounts of data derived from operational technologies in the field that are managed through advanced IT platforms aimed at implementing innovative digital processes, automating processes, and creating safe and intelligent spaces easily managed remotely. Unfortunately, the heterogeneity of resources that need to be monitored makes it difficult to apply an efficient model that is valid for everyone.

Edge computers and flexibility

Heating/cooling, lighting, air quality, access control are just some of the parameters user must be able to manage and control in real-time (or near-real-time)through an integrated data sharing system. One of the main challenges that innovators are facing in this period is the interoperability of systems, this is the IoT challenge. We believe that the GIoE and Beeta™ edge computers respond well to this challenge. The two control units are already compatible with:

FIN FRAMEWORK – is a software suite that provides monitoring, control, planning, alarms, visualization, integration and analysis functionality. FIN Framework is already used by many system integrators involved in BAS control, HVAC, lighting and screening in buildings. >

IBM EDGE – particularly suitable for interoperable applications that connect the field to the cloud in different IoT application areas >

AWS IoT Greengrass – Brings functionality for computing, messaging, data management, synchronisation and local ML inference to edge devices >

Although the pandemic triggered by Covid19 has undoubtedly led to socio-economic disruptions hard to forget, on the other hand it has been a trigger for innovation in many application areas, first of all in the Building, which over time will bring considerable benefits in our everyday lives.

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Promoting Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Heritage Buildings: TERA for SMARTeeSTORY at the 2nd General Assembly in Granada

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A few weeks ago, TERA had the privilege of participating in the 2nd meeting of the SMARTeeSTORY Project at the stunning Chamber of Commerce in Granada. The event kicked off on April 3rd with a warm welcome from key figures in the community and city administrations whose presence underscored a robust commitment to SMARTeeSTORY's mission of advancing energy efficiency and sustainability in heritage buildings. During the assembly, TERA and the partners of the consortium highlighted the energy efficiency interventions ongoing at the three project’s demo sites, focusing on the advancements made for the Spanish demo at the Royal Chancellery and on the relevance of adapting culturally significant buildings to achieve important goals with minimal visual disturbance. Working with public buildings presents numerous challenges, particularly regarding the installation of equipment for monitoring purposes. Nevertheless, we are making positive strides through continuous dialogue with local administrations to overcome legal barriers. A tour of the demonstration site at Granada's Royal Chancellery followed. This historic building, constructed in the 1500s to house the Court of Justice, has a rich past, having served various functions over the centuries. Today, it remains the seat of the Andalusian High Court of Justice. The second day of the meeting immersed participants in workshops centered on the project's three demonstration sites. Insights from the previous day's site visit informed discussions on planning interventions for the coming months. Participants exchanged ideas, solutions, and challenges, reflecting the collaborative spirit of SMARTeeSTORY. As we near the one-year milestone of the project, there is a growing sense of momentum towards the common goal of transforming heritage buildings into exemplars of smart, energy-efficient structures within the EU. The meeting concluded with participants departing with renewed enthusiasm and a shared commitment to advancing SMARTeeSTORY's objectives. Looking ahead, we are eager to continue creating synergies with like-minded projects, driving progress towards smarter and more energy-efficient cities. Take a look to SMARTeeSTORY's to know more about #heritagebuildings #smartbuildings #digitalenergy #energyefficiency #IoT #edgecomputing and about the project's objectives.


The economic advantages of a CER

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The Renewable Energy Communities, #CER, within the broader classification of #CACER, finally have the legislative-regulatory substrate, in addition to the legislative one, to finally be able to spread. What sense does CER have as an element that shapes the future scenario, which requires the implementation of #decarbonization, #energyefficiency of networks, #energydemocratization and the fight against #energypoverty? A lot, we don't say but just scroll through and international measures (from the #ParisAgreement on #sustainability to the #CleanEnergyPackage and the #EuropeanGreenDeal. This fermentation is convinced that, in order for them to spread, we must all be concrete in focusing on some practical aspects, starting with the economic benefits that CERs can bring. Therefore, at the warm invitation of the editors, our Antonio Sacchetti, CEO of TEra as well as Chairman of the WORking Group #DIgitalEnergy of the #SMartBuildingAlliance Italia, has produced some topics on "How to make money with CER", a text which you can find downloadable below and for Which we report the link to the prestigious and competent magazine Smart Building Italia, in whose May issue the article was published.


EU-project SMARTeeSTORY turns historical buildings into climate neutral landmarks through smartification

Genoa, 23/05/2023 – The 13 European partners of SMARTeeSTORY met from 22-23 May 2023 in Genova, Italy, to kick-off their Horizon Europe-funded four-year project. The meeting provided an opportunity for the consortium to introduce themselves, discuss objectives, and establish a roadmap for the project’s successful completion. SMARTeeSTORY accelerates the digital transformation of historical non-residential buildings in Latvia, the Netherlands and Spain. By combining energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and digital and smart technologies, the project strives to turn local historic landmarks into climate neutral buildings while, at the same time, preserving their unique identity. Historical buildings are important landmarks of European cities, which is why they play a crucial role in showcasing the benefits of the green and digital transition to the general public. Due to their high energy consumption and challenging retrofitting requirements, however, a dedicated approach is required. SMARTeeSTORY therefore applies a replicable and customisable technological infrastructure to maximise energy efficiency and occupant well-being based on the historic buildings’ unique features and potential. “For best results, SMARTeeSTORY demonstrates the proposed digital solutions in three real-life demonstration sites located in different climatic regions, where energy renovation is not an option. We will gather and share lessons learnt so that there will be even more digitalisation of historic buildings in the future, across Europe and beyond.”  – Matteo Porta, RINA-C, Project Coordinator SMARTeeSTORY actively promotes the exchange of knowledge and best practices among stakeholders, including building owners, energy service companies, and public authorities. To do so, the project will organise workshops, site visits, training sessions, and networking events to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among related initiatives and projects, as well as with external audiences.   The SMARTeeSTORY consortium consists of the following members:   RINA CONSULTING SPA, Italy FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION, Spain TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT, the Netherlands RIGA MUNICIPAL AGENCY “RIGA ENERGY AGENCY”, Latvia RIGAS TEHNISKA UNIVERSITATESPA, Latvia PELLINI SPA, Italy AGENCIA ANDALUZA DE LA ENERGIA, Spain CUERVA ENERGIA SLU, Spain FUNDACION CARTIF, Spain SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SPA, Italy EXUS SOFTWARE MONOPROSOPI ETAIRIA PERIORISMENIS EVTHINIS, Greece TERA SRL, Italy STEINBEIS INNOVATION GGMBH, Germany   Project Coordinator Matteo Porta, RINA-C Main Press Contact Bettina Remmele, Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH